Reflections on Literature
Home Page
JRR Tolkein
Can we find Tolkien's Ring in the real world?
by Stratford
Philip Pullman
The Big Read and the big lie by Leonie Caldecott
The Stuff of Nightmares
by Leonie Caldecott
A preachy rant against the Church by Sarah Johnson
Phillip Pullman's Day of Judgment by Stratford Caldecott
New Book:
The Pied Piper of Atheism by Pete Vere and Sandra Miesel
Dan Brown
The dangers of bogus history: Critique
of "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown
Two Parallel Universes
Screwtape On The Da Vinci Code by Eric Metaxas
Uncoding Jesus Christ Produced by
Church in Malta
Answering Angels & Demons by Mark Shea
link to free book download
and Demons
link to YouTube videos
Harry Potter
Harry Potter; Media Extravaganza or Deafening
Landscapes with Dragons and Angels
Finding the Wise Imagination in Children’s Literature
Stratford Caldecott
Piers Paul Read
The Death of a Pope
Version: 18th May 2009