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Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Life Under Compulsion
Ten Ways To Destroy The Humanity Of Your Child
by Anthony Esolen
ISI Books

In this wonderfully witty work, Anthony Esolen, a professor of English, argues that our children are being dehumanised by being made slaves to all sorts of compulsive habits promoted by smartphones, video games, sex education, gender ideology and advertising. The liberal state, which is anything but liberal, and the media send them a clear message: parents espousing traditional Christian values cannot be trusted. The young themselves are told that they are incapable of achieving a high standard of moral behaviour. Thanks to educators who are the disciples of John Dewey, they are in danger of becoming state controlled clones.

The whole purpose of freedom, says Esolen, is to make us men and women of virtue and this requires restraint and discipline. There are ample quotes from the great works of Western literature, including those by Dante, Shakespeare, Aristotle and Cicero.

In ten chapters, Esolen examines our superficial education, our contempt for humanity, our workaholic culture, our refusal to think clearly, the contemporary celebration of lust, our false understanding of tolerance, our endless celebration of progress, our flight from the family, our desire to give into the mob and our fear of solitude and contemplation.

The chapter on lust begins with an examination of Shakespeare's Measure For Measure. It is noted that while Shakespeare was no hater of the flesh, he did have a high regard for the holiness of marriage. So in King Lear, the Duke of Gloucester is ashamed of the illegitimacy of his son. The virtue of temperance as found in Othello, All's Well That Ends Well, Macbeth and The Winter's Tale is then discussed. This is followed by a discussion of chastity as found in Milton's Paradise Lost. For Milton, there is a difference between chastity and abstinence. Esolen then compares the virtue of chastity as found in the great works of Western literature with something found in Cosmopolitan Magazine where chastity is mocked as is manhood and the "child-making thing".

This is a brilliant work from a brilliant writer.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2015

Version: 27th December 2015

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