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Article by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Murder in the 33'rd Degree
The Gagnon Investigation Into Vatican Freemasonry
by Charles Theodore Murr

Father Charles Murr was a close friend of Cardinal Edouard Gagnon, one of the truly orthodox prelates of the twentieth century. According to the author, Gagnon was asked by Pope Paul VI to investigate Freemasonry inside the Church. Gagnon did so for three years and produced a substantial report that has never been made public.

The author gives us good reasons to demonstrate that Cardinal Gagnon had come up with some significant findings. Allegations are made that a number of prelates including Cardinals Villot and Baggio were involved in Freemasonry.
So far, so good. I am much less certain that the author has added anything new with regard to the death of Pope John Paul I. Apparently, Cardinal Gagnon met up with him three days before he died. In the author's opinion, Pope John Paul I was about to start an investigation on how far Freemasonry had infiltrated the Church. Did this result in his death? The only smoking gun inside the Vatican that I am aware of in the last few decades is the one belonging to Pope John Paul II's would-be assassin.
Much more convincing is the author's documentation of Masonic involvement in the Vatican financial scandals. Cardinal Gagnon was again asked to investigate.
The sincerity with which John Paul II desired a fruitful dialogue with the Society of St Pius X is surely shown in the extent to which Gagnon was involved.
Father Murr has done a great job in telling Gagnon's story. He has appeared in a number of on-line interviews and he has so many interesting anecdotes to tell. The anecdotal style sometimes works less well in the written format.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2023

Version: 20th May 2023

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