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Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Bad Shepherds
by Rod Bennett
Sophia Institute Press

What a wonderful book to review at this moment in time. So many well known Catholics are leaving the one Church Our Lord Jesus Christ founded because of the current scandals. But, as the author notes, there have been bad shepherds from the time of Judas Iscariot. The current scandals are no reason for us to leave the Church. We need to stay and form ourselves in accordance with the the traditions of the Church.

Why did the Arian crisis thrive in the early Church to the extent that most bishops fell into heresy? Because bad shepherds wanted a peaceful co-existence with the secular leaders of their day. They were like the McCarricks their day, making peace with the Obamas and the Clintons. Even those who did not endorse heresy because they were personally opposed chose not to punish heretics. They were cowards.

The Protestant heresy thrived because of centuries of bad shepherds who ruled the Church. St Boniface said it so well: "no wickedness is bar to the priesthood or episcopate." You just had to know how to buy your way in by belonging to the right old boys network. And there have been plenty of bad popes guilty of nepotism, sexual deviance and much more. The papal palace was more like a brothel than a holy place.

There were also bad shepherds before the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. I was reading a life of St Louis de Montfort recently who was punished not by the wolves outside the Church but within.

The author gives us many other illustrations of bad shepherds throughout the history of the Church. So how has the Church survived? As Catholics, we believe it is because the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. Also, the faithful thrived while bishops and popes did the "devil's work" because they had the example of saints. The Church will survive by means of a well formed laity prepared to resist their leaders when those leaders fall away from the teachings of the Church.

This easy to read work is highly recommended, especially now.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2019

Version: 16th February 2019

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