The story of Little Briar-Rose by the Brothers Grimm allows us to reflect on why innocent human beings suffer. The parents who destroy every spindle in the Kingdom represent parents who are meant to protect their children from harm. Unfortunately, as the story shows, there are limits to the security of home and family. Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare ( " My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun") enables the reader to reflect on the fact that we are called to love persons in their reality, with all their imperfections. His poem " Let me not to the marriage of true minds" is presented in order to remind the reader that true love remains constant in spite of obstacles. We learn that there is a difference between true love and infatuation. It is thus entirely appropriate for there to be chapters on the Order for the marriage service and on the ceremony for marriage. The best way to gain knowledge about love and intimacy is by talking about our common experience. As this book shows, stories are a powerful means of reflecting on these experiences.