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Review by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

The Anti- Mary Exposed
Rescuing the Culture From Toxic Femininity
by Carrie Gress
TAN Books

The title of this superb book is a bit of a puzzle: there have been plenty of books on the anti-Christ but none on the anti-Mary to the best of my knowledge. But just as the anti-Christ represents all that is opposed to Christ, so the anti-Mary represents all that is not Marian. The woman who has fallen under the spell of the anti-Mary has all the characteristics that do not belong to Mary. She refuses obedience even when willed by God because she never will imitate the Handmaid of the Lord: the author does not mean the kind of obedience that leads to the exploitation of women. She is angry and self-absorbed: I think here of the angry women who shout obscenities during pro-life marches: "keep your rosaries off  our ovaries." They loathe the rosary because it is Marian. They despise their ovaries because they are a reminder of their femininity.

Mary is virgin and mother. The followers of anti-Mary have a visceral hatred of virginity and motherhood. These women have not only campaigned for equality with men but claim that men are no longer required in their lives. So why are they angry?

Let us get one thing clear: Gress is not claiming that women have not been exploited. There certainly was a need for an authentic feminism: many of the early feminists were pro-life Christians. But the feminist movement that emerged in the sixties ran counter to their vision of equality. It was and is toxic. The glue that unites the toxic feminists has always been the "right" to kill their own: unfettered access to abortion. Their intellectual guru was the mentally disturbed Kate Millett. The chief propagandist was Helen Gurley Brown: her Cosmopolitan Magazine welcomed women to a powerful fantasy world where virginity and motherhood were no more. Gress notes that so many of the leaders of this movement suffered from a dysfunctional relationship with their parents, especially their mothers. Their heroines are Lilith and Jezebel, says Gress. The movement is occult and Marxist.

Let us reflect on what is happening currently: young girls claim that they have been sexually molested by young boys. Surely this has something to do with easy access to pornography? The early feminists would certainly have agreed. But the toxic feminists demand their "right" to protest provocatively. Witness their behaviour in front of young men standing in front of churches and cathedrals, defending them from sacrilege. Gress refers to a 1969 meeting where the toxic feminists discussed the best way to combat monogamy. The answer was: "by promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, abortion and homosexuality." But the sexual revolution has not led to happiness. High rates of abortion and divorce do not do that.

Toxic feminism is occult and demonic. It is a movement that can only be overcome by prayer and fasting. There is a remedy, says Gress, and her name is Mary. She is so perfectly loved by God. She will rescue us from our current confusion. Only a Christian understanding of what it means to be men and women can rescue us.

As I finished reading this important book, I turned to Our Lady of Fatima. She warned us that Russia will spread her errors. The Marxist errors are being spread by the Frankfurt School, by toxic feminism and by movements that claim to promote racial harmony. Alas, it is within the Church when bishops condemn the recent Vatican directive banning the blessings of same-sex unions.

And in this year of St Joseph, let us turn to him for he is the chaste spouse of Our Lady. He was there at Fatima, silent as always.

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2021

Version: 10th April 2021

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