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Ant-Catholicism in Australia
by Dr Pravin Thevathasan

Australia is fast developing a reputation for being even more anti-Catholic than the Irish Republic. Cardinal Pell has been a centre of attention for years because of his orthodoxy and because he stated what is now obvious, so many years ago: the majority of Catholic clergy abusers are not pedophiles. They are pederasts, adult men attracted by adolescent boys. Of course, their criminal behavior remains utterly evil, but we need to get our facts right.

And now, its Royal Commission has recommended that confession should not be exempt from a criminal offence of failure to report abuse.

But why stop there? Why not other even worse crimes divulged in confession? Let us suppose that a Mafia hit man confesses that under orders from the boss he killed two men. Now he is really sorry for what he did. The priest might say: "To show you are sorry, you need to hand yourself over to the police." The hit man responds: "If I do that Father, the boss will have me hunted down and killed. So I am scared to go to the police."

Should the priest withhold absolution from a penitent who has shown every sign of repentance?

Copyright ©; Dr Pravin Thevathasan 2017

Version: 22nd August 2017

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