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Sr. Thomas Mary, O.P. writes:


Theology and Holiness

                If we want our efforts at evangelization to bear an abundant harvest for the Lord, the key to evangelical success is a life of prayer. We need to give prime time to growth in prayer. Prayer is primarily receptive; it is an interior dialogue between Bridegroom and bride. The noted theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar, expressed the contemplative orientation of theology by means of the nuptial image.

                 The Bridegroom gives and the bride receives; and only in this acceptance of faith can the miracle of the pouring forth of the Word which is both sower and seed, be accomplished. [1]

                God instructs our hearts in the silence of contemplation wherein we perceive his presence and the delicate anointing of the Holy Spirit. People instinctively recognize whether we are simply sharing right ideas with faultless logic or responding to a Spirit filled vision that inspires and enkindles fervor.                  

I have come to cast fire on the earth and how I long for it to be enkindled (Lk 12:49).  

     The Mother of Jesus, Mediatrix of grace, will obtain for those who turn to her a  disposition of adoration, humility and purity of heart, promising the rise of a new flowering of evangelization.

                Von Balthasar calls it "theology on one's knees." [2] We call it the gift of unction.

Come Holy Spirit, enkindle within your Church the fire of divine Love!

Sr. Thomas Mary O.P.* * *

1. Hans Urs von Balthasar, Explorations in Theology: The Word Made Flesh, (San Francisco: Ignatius Press) p. 201.

2. Ibid. P. 206.

This Version: 2nd December 2004

Copyright ©; Sr. Thomas Mary McBride, O.P. 2004

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