
John Saward

"The Christocentric Mary"
by Professor John Saward

Christ is the Answer: The Christ-Centred Teaching of Pope John Paul II

by John Saward

 Christ is the Answer book cover

Christ is the answer, but what is the question?

It is the question posed by the human heart in all times arid places. What is the meaning of life? What is the way to happiness? Where may I find peace?

John Paul II is one of the most popular, prolific, and influential Popes of recent centuries. Actor, poet, playwright, philosopher and theologian, endowed by decision of the Holy Spirit with the office of Peter, he has done more than simply re-affirm the Church's faith in 'the Son of the living God'. He has tried to unfold a systematic theological vision of the place of Christ in the divine Trinity and in human life. Jesus, who is God and man in one person, reveals God, but He also reveals man. In God-made-man we discover the meaning of our life, the happiness for which we long, the peace that passes all understanding.

The Polish Pope has been called to make explicit what his predecessors could leave implicit - that everything in Christianity has a reference to the Word made flesh. He has continued and developed the Christ-centred message of the Second Vatican Council. Christ is the true 'light of the nations', and the Church is called to reflect His radiance in the world.

Written in a style more contemplative than critical, synthetic than dryly analytical, this book explores the vast world of the Pope's teaching—his encyclicals, addresses, and homilies, Many works are now appearing on John Paul's life and personality, but this is the first to take us to the living centre of his theology. Professor Saward sees him as highly original because he is so deeply traditional, a resolute father in God because he is a humble child of Mary. John Paul embodies the Christian paradox that to wield true authority one must become as open and trusting as a child, no matter how cynical the world has become, or how apparently strong the forces of death. For Christ, the conqueror of Hell, is the answer to death.

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Copyright © John Saward 1995

This version: 7th February 2003


John Saward

"The Christocentric Mary"
by Professor John Saward