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Harry Potter

Gabriele Kuby Writes-:


1. Harry Potter is a global long term project to change the culture. In the young generation inhibitions against magic and the occult are being destroyed. Thus, forces re-enter society which Christianity had overcome.

2. Hogwarts, the school of magic and witchcraft, is a closed world of violence and horror, of cursing and bewitching, of racist ideology, of blood sacrifice, disgust and obsession. There is an atmosphere of continuous threat, which the young reader cannot escape.

3. While Harry Potter appears in the beginning to fight against evil, in fact the similarities between him and Voldemort, the arch-evil adversary in the tale, become more and more obvious. In volume five, Harry is being obsessed by Voldemort, which leads to symptoms of personality disintegration.

4. The human world becomes degraded, the world of witches and sorcerers becomes glorified.

5. There is no positive transcendent dimension. The supernatural is entirely demonic. Divine symbols are perverted.

6. Harry Potter is no modern fairy tale. In fairy tales sorcerers and witches are unambiguous figures of evil. The hero escapes their power through the exercise of virtue. In the Harry Potter universe there is no character that endeavours consistently to achieve good. For seemingly good ends evil means are being used.

7. A (young!) reader's power of discernment of good and evil is blocked out through emotional manipulation and intellectual confusion. Potter fans reject the idea that there is an objective criterion for good and evil. Thus, the "tyranny of relativism" (Pope Benedict XVI.) is being prepared in the hearts of the global (!) young generation.

8. It is an assault upon the young generation, seducing it playfully into a world of witchcraft and sorcery, filling the imagination of the young with images of a world in which evil reigns, from which there is no escape, on the contrary, it is portrayed as highly desirable.

9. Those who value plurality of opinion should resist the nearly overwhelming power of this peer pressure, which is being accomplished through a gigantic corporate and multimedia blitz
one which displays elements of totalitarian brainwashing.

10. Since through the Potter books faith in a loving God is systematically undermined, even destroyed in many young people, through false "values" and mockery of Judeo-Christian truth, the introduction of these books in schools is intolerant. Parents should refuse permission for their children to take part in Potter indoctrination for reasons of faith and conscience.

Kardinal Ratzinger über Harry Potter
In einem Brief an Gabriele Kuby vom 7. März 2003

"Vielen Dank für... das lehrreiche Buch. Es ist gut, daß Sie in Sachen Harry Potter aufklären, denn dies sind subtile Verführungen, die unmerklich und gerade dadurch tief wirken und das Christentum in der Seele zersetzen, ehe es überhaupt recht wachsen konnte."

Card. Ratzinger on 07. 03. 2003 to Gabriele Kuby

"Thank you very much for your kind letter of 20 February and for the instructive book that you attached. It is good that you enlighten us on the Harry Potter matter, for these are subtle seductions that are barely noticeable, and precisely because of that have a deep effect and corrupt the Christian faith in souls even before it could properly grow.

Card. Ratzinger on 27. 05. 2003 to Gabriele Kuby

"Somehow your letter drowned in the mass of nameday-, birthday- and Easterpost. At last this pile has been cleared, so I gladly give you permission to call on my judgement about Harry Potter."

Other items

Preface to Harry Potter and the Paganization of Culture

Harry Potter and the Paganization of Children's Culture (article)

Harry Potter: The Warnings

Education as Magic: Harry Potter and the Cult of Narcissism

Version: 22nd December 2016

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