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New Edition just out!

Beauty for Truth’s Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education (Brazos, 2009, 2017)

Book Extract

The first of two introductory books on the Seven Liberal Arts, Beauty for Truth’s Sake concentrates on the Quadrivium; that is, the four cosmological subjects on which classical learning once depended, both as preparation for the study of philosophy and theology, and as the basis of an education for intellectual and spiritual freedom. After looking at the classical and medieval tradition, the book traces the way our secular society developed, and the problems this has created in present-day higher education and the culture at large. It suggests ways in which the arts and sciences, faith and reason, could be put back together again, after a long period of estrangement that has created a civilization both deeply flawed and profoundly dangerous.

Version: 28th September 2017

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