The Union of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
In St. Francis de Sales and St. John Eudes
Burton Calkins
Part I. St. Francis de Sales
A. Sacred
Heart of Jesus
1. Cleft opening
in side
a. dwelling
place for self
b. dwelling
place for neighbor
i. source of salvation
ii. source
of consolation
2. Jacob’s ladder
B. In
Conjunction with the Heart of Mary
1. Her
2. Her
Moral Union with [Heart of] Christ
3. Transformation
of Her Heart by Grace
C. Union
of Hearts
1. of
Jesus and Mary
2. Mary
beloved of Jesus
3. Jesus
– Heart of Mary’s Heart
1. Temple
2. “Portions”
of soul
a. inferior
– sensual
b. superior –
i. human
ii. faith
summit – spiritual
Key to Salesian Doctrine
1. In Heart of
a. superior portion of soul – suffering
b. highest portion of soul – beatific vision
2. In Heart of
a. superior portion of soul
– sorrow, meditation
b. highest portion of soul – cor vigilans
3. Mutual Colloquy
II. The French School
A. Cardinal de Bérulle
1. Mysteries and States of Jesus
2. Union of Hearts
3. work continued by Gibieuf
B. Ven. Jean-Jacques
Olier ~
1. Jesu vivens in Maria
2. Interior life of Jesus and Mary
3. Union of Hearts
Part III. St. John
A. Principles of his Mariology
1. Union of Jesus and Mary
2. Dispositions of Jesus toward Mary
3. Dispositions of Mary toward God
4. Jesu vivens in Maria
5. Mary’s relativity
B. The “Conjoint” Cult of the Heart of Jesus and Mary
1. In the Liturgy of the Feast of the Admirable Heart of
2. In The Admirable Heart of Mary
a. strict object of cult – corporeal and spiritual hearts of Mary
b. union of hearts – divine heart of Mary
3. Ave Cor Sanctissimum
4. Circular Letter of 29 July 1672
5. Antiphons of Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus
6. Reasons for “Conjoint” Cult
a. formulation of Bérulle
b. formulation of St. Francis de Sales
c. texts from St. Bridget’s Revelations
d. mystical tendency
e. usefulness in preaching
C. The Sacred Heart of Jesus
1. Cultus – a gift of the Heart of Mary
2. “Three Hearts of Jesus”
a. corporeal
b. spiritual
i. states
of Jesus
ii. His love – predominant
c. divine
D. Conclusions
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Copyright ©; Msgr Arthur Calkins 2014
Version 22nd February 2014