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Explorations in Theology
Volume I: Word Made Flesh
By Hans by Urs von Balthasar
The first of five volumes of von Balthasar's many essays and conferences. Each focuses on a specific aspect of theology or spirituality and presents it with all the richness which comes from his immense erudition, but in a style that is directed and intelligible since few of these essays were intended for scholarly audiences. These volumes present a rare opportunity to experience Balthasar's synthetic and comprehensive treatment of major themes in theology without having to make one's way through much more extensive works which cover a much wider scope. These volumes will provide an excellent introduction to the thought of von Balthasar for those unfamiliar with him, and their chapters will focus on specific themes treated throughout his works for those who are familiar with him. An excellent overview of the writings and thought of one of the outstanding theologians of this century.

Explorations in Theology
Vol. IV: Spirit and Institution
Hans Urs von Balthasar
The fourth volume in von Balthasar's essays is built around the theme of Spirit and Institution, the two central features of the Church which Balthasar approaches from different angles. The third volume is built around the theme of the Holy Spirit as the Creator Spirit. The first volume was constructed around the mid-point of the Word become man, and the second volume around the Church which becomes configured to him.

The first part of the book looks at who man is, and then examines the distinctively Christian experience of God. Part two is a whole section on the Church which includes topics like celibacy and the priesthood today, how we should love the Church, and understanding Christian mysticism. The third and final part is an eschatology in which Balthasar gives a brilliant summary of heaven, hell and purgatory.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 1: Seeing the Form
Hans Urs von Balthasar

Volume one of the long-awaited English version of von Balthasar's masterwork, Herrlichkeit.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 2: Clerical Styles

Volume two gives us a series of monographs designed to illustrate the different ways in which theologians have shaped their works.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 3: Lay Styles
A continuation of monographs in Volume II in which the aesthetical dimension of theology, its intrinsic beauty, is traced through some of the great Christian thinkers of modern times.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 4:
(no information available at present)

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 5: The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age

Von Balthasar explores the main streams of metaphysics which have developed since the `catastrophe' of Nominalism, with its denial of the divine light in creation. Three paths have been taken, each with its own dangers. In a series of studies of representative mystic theologians, philosophers and poets, glory is traced through such figures as Eckhart, Ignatius, de Sales; the attempt to relocate theology in a recovery of antiquity's sense of being and beauty through figures like Holderlin, Goethe, Heidegger; the metaphysics of spirit through Descartes, Spinoza and the Idealists.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 6 - Theology: The Old Covenant

This is von Balthasar's study of the biblical vision and understanding of God's glory. Starting with the theophanies of the Patriarchal period, with the appearance of the divine glory in the sensible world, it shows how such glory is most fully expressed in the graciousness of the Covenant relationship as God allows Israel to enjoy his justice, peace and truth. But the breaking of that relationship by Israel means that in the later books of the Old Testament, the divine glory is seen in God's willingness to bear with his people in the dark side of their history, for his glory to be revealed through the rejected prophets and the Suffering Servant of Isaiah.

The Glory of the Lord
Volume 7 - Theology: The New Covenant

In this final volume, Balthasar reflects on the New Testament vision of God's revelation of his glory in Christ. In Christ's incarnation and resurrection the Christian vision is truly expressed and the joining of God and the world in the new and eternal covenant is realized.

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Volume I: Prolegomena
Hans Urs von Balthasar

The introduction to the second part of the trilogy which is von Balthasar's major work.

Volume II: Dramatis Personae
Hans Urs von Balthasar

Balthasar is concerned here with the dramatic character of existence as a whole, approaching the topic through a consideration of the various conditions and situations of mankind as a drama that involves both the Creator and his creatures.

Volume III: Dramatis Personae
Hans Urs von Balthasar

All von Balthasar's theological reflection converges here, and here as nowhere else one can find the systematic elaboration of his Christology, Mariology, Ecclesiology, Anthropology and Trinitarian doctrine.

Volume IV: The Action
Hans Urs von Balthasar

Having presented his christology and mariology under the sign of the ``Dramatis Personae'' in volume three of Theo-Drama, von Balthasar now turns to the action of the divine drama itself. Here we find his soteriology, where time, freedom, history, power, sin, conflict are seen in the light of the Cross, the culmination of the action and passion of God and man.

As Balthasar expresses it in the conclusion to his preface: here ``we discern the unity of `glory' and the `dramatic'. God's glory, as it appears in the world--supremely in Christ--is not something static that could be observed by a neutral investigator. It manifests itself only through the personal involvement whereby God himself comes forth to do battle and is both victor and vanquished. If this glory is to come within our range at all, an analogous initiative is called for on our part. Revelation is a battlefield. Those who do battle on it can only be believers and theologians, provided they have equipped themselves with the whole armor of God (Eph 6:11).''

Vol. V: The Last Act
Hans Urs von Balthasar

This is the final volume of this series on "theological dramatic theory" by the great 20th century theologian Balthasar. This series is the second part of Balthasar's trilogy on the good, the beautiful and the true which is his major work. The first series in the trilogy is The Glory of the Lord, and following this Theo-Drama series will be Theo-Logic.

In this series "the good" has been the focus. Balthasar maintains that it is in the theater that man attempts a kind of transcendence to observe and to judge his own truth about himself. He sees the phenomenon of theater as a source of fruitfulness for theological reflection on the cosmic drama that involves earth and heaven. This fifth volume is trinitarian, focusing on the mystery of God. He draws heavily on Scripture and many passages from the works of the mystic Adrienne von Spyer. Some of the topics covered include "A Christian Eschotology", "The World is from the Trinity", "Earth moves Heavenward", "The Final Act: A Trinitarian Drama."

Theology of History
by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Man has always wrestled with the problem of finding meaning in history. It is not surprising that, as a Christian, von Balthasar finds the meaning of history in Christ, its Center and Lord. What may surprise--as it will surely stimulate--is the theological mastery with which von Balthasar traces the effects of Christ's lordship upon the daily life of the Christian.
In this book we have one of the indispensable sources for understanding Balthasar's Catholic Christocentrism. Here we find elaboration of the striking statement that Jesus Christ is "the Idea made concrete, personal, historical: universale concretum et personale"--which, put otherwise, means that Christ is the universally valid in the here and now. Characteristic of Balthasar, the book inspires as much spiritually as it informs theologically.

Theology of Karl Barth
by Hans Urs von Balthasar

Written in 1951 (with a second edition in 1961), this book takes its place within an impressive array of attempts to wrestle with Karl Barth's theology from a Catholic point of view. The book adopts the twofold strategy of presenting an exposition of "the whole of Barth's thought," while doing so for the purpose of a confessional dialogue among theologians. Not to be construed as an "Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth, Balthasar's effort is to provide a Catholic response which, though not "official", nonetheless seeks to express a common direction and movement within Catholicism.
The Theology of Karl Barth shows how a rethinking of basic issues in fundamental theology--concerning the relation of nature and grace, philosophy and theology, the "analogy of being" and the "analogy of faith"--might lead to a rapprochement between the two great rivers of Christianity, without compromising the center of gravity of either. In the process the book makes a major contribution to renewed understanding of Christianity in a secularized modern world. Co-published with Communio Books.


"This reflection by one of the century's great Catholic theologians on the theology of one of the century's great Protestant theologians is an example of ecumenical dialogue at its best. One finds here a sympathetic and at the same time faithfully Catholic discussion of the major issues surrounding Barth's christocentricity. The appearance of an unabridged English translation of this book could hardly be more timely for the current religious situation in North America."
-- David L. Schindler, Gagnon Professor of Fundamental Theology, John Paul II Institute

"No one should think he can quickly dispose of questions posed here offhandedly. It was precisely because writers were in the habit during the time of the Reformation of theologizing with a hammer that the split in the Church became irreparable. And to work at overcoming this split means much effort. Only the patient need apply."

A Theological Aesthetics
Volume I: Seeing the Form
von Balthasar, Hans Urs

opens with a critical review of developments in Protestant and Catholic theology since the Reformation which have led to the steady neglect of aesthetics in Christian theology. Then, von Balthasar turns to the central theme of the volume, the question of theological knowledge. He re-examines the nature of Christian believing, drawing widely on such theological figures as Anselm, Pascal and Newman.

A Theological Aesthetics
Volume II Studies in Theological Style: Clerical Styles
von Balthasar, Hans Urs

offers a series of earlier Christian theology when the aesthetic view was still held and appreciated. Drawing insights from some of the leading figures of the early Church such as Anselm, Augustine, Bonaventura, Denys and Irenaeus, von Balthasar presents his views with a freshness and vigour rarely excelled in contemporary theological writing about the Grand Tradition.
von Balthasar, Hans Urs

A Theological Aesthetics
Volume III Studies in Theological Style: Lay Styles
von Balthasar, Hans Urs

In this volume von Balthasar turns to the works of the lay theologians, the poets and the philosopher theologians who have kept alive the Grand Tradition of Christian theology in writings formally very different from the works of the Fathers and the great Scholastics. This volume contains studies of Dante, John of the Cross, Pascal, Hamann, Soloviev, Hopkins and Peguy.

A Theological Aesthetics
Volume IV
The Realm of Metaphysics in Antiquity
von Balthasar, Hans Urs
considers the metaphysical tradition of the contemplation of Being: Homer, the Greek Tragedians, Plato, Plotinus and the development of the tradition in the Middle Ages. Von Balthasar then explores the analogy between the metaphysical vision of Being and the Christian vision of the Trinity.

A Theological Aesthetics
Volume VI Theology: The Old Covenant
von Balthasar, Hans Urs
initiates von Balthasar’s study of the biblical vision and understanding of God’s glory. Starting with the theopanies of the Patriarchal period, it shows how such glory is most fully expressed in the graciousness of the Covenant relationship between God and Israel.

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