BEAUMONT, John; Biographical Information
Freelance writer and legal consultant; convert to the Catholic Church in 1980;
Worked in legal practice and the university sector, including Head of the Department of Law, Leeds Metropolitan
University, and posts at Leeds University, Lancaster University and University of Central Lancashire. Founder of
legal consultancy, Q.A. Law. Lately freelance writer on Catholic themes. Worked closely for five years with the
priest-physicist, Fr. Stanley Jaki, OSB. Numerous articles in many journals and papers, including Downside Review; Fidelity;
Culture Wars; Homiletic and Pastoral
Review; Saint Austin Review; Catholic Life; Catholic Herald;
Modern Law Review; Canadian Bar Review; New Law Journal; Solicitors'
Journal; Journal of Criminal Law;
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly.
Concise list of publications
Publications: The Mississippi Flows Into the Tiber: A Guide to Notable American Converts
to the Catholic Church (Fidelity Press, 2014); Roads to Rome:
A Guide to Notable Converts from Britain and Ireland from the Reformation to the Present Day
(St. Augustine Press, 2010); Jewish Converts (Real View Books,
2007); Converts from Britain and Ireland in the Nineteenth Century
(Real View Books, 2007); Converts to Rome: A Guide to Notable Converts to Rome from Britain
and Ireland during the Twentieth Century (Real View Books, 2006); Cases
and Materials on Evidence (with P. W. Murphy and Simon Cooper) (Blackstone Press, 1994);
Evidence: Materials for Discussion (with P.W. Murphy) (Blackstone
Press, 1987); The Law of Evidence (with C. J. Carr) (Blackstone
Press, 1985); Evidence: Cases and Argument (with P. W. Murphy)
(Blackstone Press, 1982).
This Version: 4th February 2015