Books and booklets:
Ecumenism: The Authentic Catholic Approach (with John Walsh), Apostolate of Catholic Truth (1999), 42pp.
Converts to Rome: A Guide to Notable Converts from Britain and Ireland during the Twentieth Century, Real View Books (2006), 78pp.
Converts From Britain and Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, Real View Books (2007), 120pp.
Jewish Converts, Real View Books (2007), 32pp.
Roads to Rome: A Guide to Notable Converts from Britain and Ireland from the Reformation to the Present Day, St. Augustine’s Press (2010), 494pp.
The Mississippi Flows Into the Tiber: A Guide to Notable American Converts, Fidelity Press (2014), 1,013pp.
Articles and reviews:
“Tradition, Truth and the Catholic Church,” Christian Order, October 1985, p.492.
“The Consistency of Catholic Tradition,” Christian Order, November 1986, p.523.
“Schism, Obedience, and the Society of St. Pius X,” (with John Walsh) Fidelity, October, 1993, p.30.
“The Story of the Disappearing Schism” (with John Walsh) Fidelity, March 1994, p.34.
“Is There a Catholic Revival in England?” Fidelity, June 1994, p.22.
“Sedevacantist Odyssey: Fr. Dan Jones Discovers a Pope,” Fidelity, December 1994, p.29.
“A Royal Pain: Review of The Prince of Wales by Jonathan Dimbleby,” Fidelity, April 1995, p.37.
“The Next Pope” (review of The Next Pope by Peter Hebblethwaite), Fidelity, June 1995, p.40.
“God’s Ways to Man” (review of The Quest for God by Paul Johnson), Fidelity, June 1996, p.43.
"Queer Bedfellows: The Lambeth Chickens Come Home to Roost," Fidelity, July'August 1996, p.7.
“The Vanishing Schism Revisited,” Fidelity, November 1996, p.5.
“Kulturkampf and the Gospel,” Culture Wars, December 1996, p.16.
“When Pseudosex Leads to Homosex,” Culture Wars, January 1997, p.23.
“Contraception, Authority and Catholic Truth,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, January 1998, p.25.
“Cardinal Newman on the Church: A Guide for the Perplexed,” Culture Wars, February 1998, p.28.
“Culture for Moderns” (review of Roger Scruton, An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Culture), Culture Wars, March 1999 p.45.
“Lost Opportunity” (review of Ralph, McInerney, What Went Wrong with Vatican II: The Catholic Crisis Explained), Culture Wars, July-August 1999, p.43.
“A Life for these Times” (review of George Weigel,
“Resisting the Revisionists: The Catholic Writings of Peter Geach,” Downside Review, October 2000, p.271.
“Willful Misreading” (review of: Garry Wills, Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit), Culture Wars, February, 2001, p.38.
“Waugh Revisited” (review of Douglas Patey, The Life of Evelyn Waugh: A Critical Biography and Scott M. P. Reid, A Bitter Trial: Evelyn Waugh and John Carmel Cardinal Heenan on the Liturgical Changes), Culture Wars, June, 2001, p.39.
“Cool Britannia” (review of Peter Hitchens, The Abolition of Britain), Culture Wars, July/August, 2001, p.40.
“Your Minute’s Up” (review of Montague Brown, The One Minute Philosopher), Culture Wars, February, 2002, p.35.
“Reading the Runes: Tolkien on the Crisis in the Church,” Culture Wars, April, 2002, p.30.
“Losing the Culture War” (review of: Margherita Marchione, Consensus and Controversy: Defending Pope Pius XII), Culture Wars, September, 2002, p.36.
“Waugh Revisited: Douglas Lane Patey, Life of Evelyn Waugh,” Downside Review, January 2004, p.64.
“English Apologetics” (review of: John Haldane, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Religion and Alban McCoy, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Catholicism and Paul Williams, The Unexpected Way), Culture Wars, May, 2005, p.42.
“’There is no intellectual merit in the theory of intelligent design’: Philosopher and scientist Fr. Stanley Jaki tells John Beaumont why Catholics can’t afford to ignore Charles Darwin,” Catholic Herald, 17 February 2006, p.8.
“Science and Catholic Faith: A Remarkable (and Neglected) Physicist and Priest,” Catholic Life, September 2007, p.26.
“Denys Blakelock: Actor and Convert,” Catholic Life, September 2007, p.36.
“Peter Geach: Catholic Convert and Philosopher,” Catholic Life, October 2007, p.58.
“Michael Dummett: Oxford Logic and Conversion to the Catholic Faith,” Catholic Life, November 2007, p.54.
“Death-Bed Conversions: Close Calls and Near Misses,” Catholic Life, January 2008, p.53.
“A Religious Order for Tradition,” Mass of Ages, May 2008, p.22.
“Newman, Conversion, and the One True Fold,” Saint Austin Review, September/October 2008, p.12.
“W. Gordon Gorman: Historian of Converts,” The Stonyhurst Magazine (2008), p.357.
“Popery at the Palace” (with Fr. Mark Elvins, OFM. Cap), Catholic Life, January 2009, p.36.
“Lives Remembered: Fr. Stanley Jaki, OSB,” Catholic Herald, 29 May 2009, p.11.
“In Memory of Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, OSB, 17th August 1924 – 7th April 2009” Saint Austin Review, May/June 2009, p.29.
“Do You Despair Over the Current Crisis in the Church?: Ten Points to Remember,” New Oxford Review, June 2010, p.32.
“Did Edward VII Die a Catholic?” (with Fr. Mark Elvins, OFM. Cap), Catholic Herald, 16 July 2010, p.8
“Eliza Vaughan: A Remarkable Convert,” ACW Review, September 2010, p.4.
“Two Remarkable Convert Brothers: Edmund and John Gennings,” Catholic Life, October 2010, p.40.
“The Rage Against God,” (review of Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God), Culture Wars, October 2010, p.44.
“Franciscan Heroes I” (Blessed Henry Heath), The Crusader, March 2011, p.11.
“Franciscan Heroes II” (Blessed John Woodcock), The Crusader, April 2011, p.7.
“The Rage Against God” (review of Peter Hitchens, The Rage Against God), Faith, January and February 2012, p.25.
“Lost At Sea: The Story of Two Remarkable Priest Converts,” St. Austin’s Review, July/August 2012, p.29.
“Converted by Galileo: The Strange Story of Frank Sherwood Taylor,” St. Austin’s Review, September/October 2012, p.32.
“Louis Budenz: Communist Radical, Catholic Convert,” St. Austin’s Review, November/December 2012, p.26.
“Living in the Church in Difficult Times: Newman as a Guide for Today,” St. Austin’s Review, January/February 2013, p.6.
“The Nature of Faith: A Note on Peter Geach,” St. Austin’s Review, January/February 2013, p.27.
“Hugh Ross Williamson: Convert from the English Reformation,” St. Austin’s Review, March/April 2013, p.27.
“The Popes and the Jews” (review of Justus George Lawler, Were the Popes Against the Jews?: Tracking the Myths Confronting the Ideologues), Culture Wars, April 2013, p.38.
“C. S. Lewis, Conversion, and the ‘Mad, Bad, or God Argument,’” St. Austin’s Review, May/June 2013, p.27.
“Hemingway: Catholic or Not?” St. Austin’s Review, July/August 2013, p.29.
“The Extremist Who Was Rescued by Chesterton” (review of Joseph Pearce, Race With the Devil), Catholic Herald, 1 November 2013, p.15.
“The Old Man and the Church” (review of Matthew Nickel, Hemingway’s Dark Night: Catholic Influences and Intertextualities in the Work of Ernest Hemingway), Culture Wars, November 2013, p.38.
“C. S. Lewis and the Mad, Bad, or God Argument: An Addendum,” St. Austin’s Review, November/December 2013, p.30.
“Frank Sherwood Taylor: The Man Who Was Converted by Galileo,” in Fr. Manuel M. Carreira and Julio A. Gonzalo (ed), Intelligible Design: A Realistic Approach to the Philosophy and History of Science (2013), p.48.
“Joe Sobran: Stalwart Witness to Christ and the Church,” St. Austin’s Review, January/February 2014, p.27.
"Siegfried Sassoon: Convert War Poet," St. Austin's Review, March/April 2014, p.27.
“Stanley Jaki: Scientist and Priest at the Service of Faith,” Commemorazione di Padre Stanley L. Jaki OSB nel Primo Anniversario della sua Morte, Rome, 13 April 2010 (2014).
"The Real Fr. Stanley Jaki: Concluding Thoughts," St. Austin's Review, May/June 2014, p.21.
Foreword to Characters of the Spanish Civil War and Other Stories by Julio A. Gonzalo (2014).
"Deathbed Conversions and the Case of Wallace Stevens," Culture Wars, June 2014, p.36.
"Resisting the Tudor Terror: A Remarkable Convert Priest," St. Austin's Review, September/October 2014, p.27.
"Walker Percy: A Great American Literary Convert," St. Austin's Review, November/December 2014, p.33.